Volunteers are vital to the success of AICH. Hundreds of community members donate their time and talent to promote Asian Cultures throughout our region. We truly appreciate their support and dedication!
Interested in getting involved? Here’s how you can help:
Special Events
AICH holds several annual fundraising events, which are a feast of Asian food and culture. These include the Asian New Year Celebration, Chrysanthemum Festival Family Day and the Asian B-B-Q. We also participate in some of the festivals around the area such as WorldFest and St. James Art Fair. Help plan these events by serving on a committee or participate in the fun and festivities by working at the events.
Educational Programs
Brush up on Asian art, literature, philosophy, history, medicine, culture and business by volunteering for programs. Adult programming typically includes lectures, discussions and classes, while school groups enjoy hands on activities, slide shows and more. Help prepare materials for school groups or registering guests for programs; you will learn something new about Asian culture and have fun too!
Office Assistants
Throughout the year volunteers are needed to assist with mailings, filing, phone calls and computer work. If you are available during the work day we can find a job for you!
Dragon Dancer
Want to get a little exercise and have a lot of fun at the same time? We’re looking for volunteers to be a part of the dragon dance. At many of the festivals and special events the Dragon Dance is in popular demand. The only way it dances is if we have the man/woman power to make it dance. No experience needed but physical activity is required!!!!
If you are under the age of 18, please call AICH at (502) 635-2240 to discuss these opportunities to volunteer.
Asia Institute – Crane House is a Certifying Organization
for the President’s Volunteer Service Award Program.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a national honor recognizing the importance of community involvement and volunteer commitment. “The award recognizes individuals, families, and groups who achieve a certain number of service hours within a 12-month period. The award also can be given for cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime.